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Membre inscrit faithinit

a posté 1 message sur les forums BricoVidéo :

Forum Climatisation

I changed from Sosh to Free and had exactly the same problems as above with the ERR light showing for a moment before staying in UNIT. I must admit the Mitsubishi Instructions omit many steps.

I would just like to say in response to VISION1 that I opened the FREEBOX POP admin interface and verified that the WiFI interface uses WPA2 AES so I was reassured that it should interface with the MAC-5617-E as JASON69 had shown.

As I describe below the missing link is knowing that a RESET installs a MITSUBISHI programmed local network and that this must be modified to a new router network.

I connected the MAC-5617-E to the FREEBOX POP using the following steps:

1. Switch of the Mitsubishi main unit (mine is an Ecodan).
2. Reset MAC-5617-E by pressing reset for 14+ seconds. UNIT and MODE light up. This puts the unit in factory settings including its own local network interface, Importantly, this means it has erased the previous router wifi settings
3. Press MODE for 2 seconds until MODE flashes. This now means MAC-5617-E is emitting a wifi signal on its own local network interface. The MAC-5617-E network is 192.168.11.x and its IP address is
Importantly, this explains why it will never connect to a WPS signal from the router.
4. A PC is best for this next step but not essential. Look for the MAC-5617-E local network and connect to it. This network's SSID and Password are normally shown on the rear of the MAC-5617-E. Use these to connect to the MAC-5617-E
5. You can now verify that you are connected by opening a CMD DOS window and verifying using IPCONFIG that the gateway shown is indeed
6. Go to your browser and type
7. You will see a screen the first part of which asks you to insert your ISP's router's SSID and Password in my case a FREEBOX POP.
8. The second part of the screen allows you to leave the MAC-5617-E on DHCP or set it to a fixed IP address
9 Submit the changes
10. The MAC-5617-E should now show the network and unit lights working
11. Power back on the Mitsubishi unit
19 mars 2023 à 12:09
forum consulter ce sujet Impossible de paramétrer l'interface MAC-567IF-E sur le forum Climatisation